Manufacturer of Hydraulic Presses

Hydraulic Press Safety

April 30, 2014

Important Hydraulic Press Safety Precautions
Hydraulic presses can be dangerous and have even been touted as being the most dangerous in some manufacturing settings. Manufacturers using presses should make certain to include safety courses for the operation of hydraulic presses. Learning more about how you can stay safe during the operation of industrial tire presses could help to prevent serious injury.

Read The Manufacturer’s Manual
Hydraulic Press Safety  guards
Following manufacturer instructions can help you and your employees learn more about the safest press operation. Manufacturer operation manuals and labeling include important facts that allow to you to know your limits while using a particular type of hydraulic shop presses. Remember the safest press is also the one that receives regular maintenance.

Press Weakness Is A Safety Hazard
Weak hydraulic systems can be the cause of press failure and can also be the cause of injuries as well. Hydraulic presses generally run using an oily based hydraulic fluid inside closed fluid system. In the event the closed system is compromised, the likelihood of dangerous pressure dispersion is greater. Under normal operating circumstances, pressurized fluids exert outward pressure. Due to outward pressure, weak areas in joints, pressure release points and hoses can suffer damage and can also cause injury from parts flying off the machine due to the force of high pressure.

Whipping Hoses And Explosions
Maintaining a schedule for changing hydraulic fluid and oil in a press is essential to prevent fluid contamination. If fluid becomes contaminated enough to create clogs inside hoses, the chances of system compromise is greater. The risk for injury due to pressurized hoses letting loose, commonly referred to as whipping hoses is also greater. Injections injuries can happen during a hydraulic press explosion, causing great harm in some cases. Burns are another common injury associated with hydraulic press accidents.

Toxic Fumes
Toxic exposure is possible with hydraulic presses due to damaged press parts. Leaking hydraulic fluid can create fumes that are harmful to breath, meaning the chance of respiratory injury. Making sure to maintain correct pressure and always keeping check on hydraulic fluid levels is important to avoid accidents involving toxic fumes.

Getting To Know Your Hydraulic Press
Knowing the equipment you work on daily is important and can have several benefits, especially when it comes to safety. When you have run the same machine for a week or two, you get to know its normal running sounds, making it easier to detect when sounds become off kilter. Taking the time to inspect your press regularly for damages or other safety related issues is extremely necessary to lower the risk of press related injuries.

Loose clothing
Never wear loose clothing when working on presses. Workers that wear their hair long should always make sure to have it bound up when working around a press as well. Clothing or hair can get caught in a press and cause strangulation. Severe lacerations can occur to workers that are using a press without a safety guards in place. Wearing safety goggles while using a hydraulic equipment is a good idea to prevent squirting hydraulic press fluid from getting into your eyes in the event a leak or pressure issue arises.

RK Machinery can help you make the right choices for an industrial hydraulic press and the safety accessories that are best safety guards and more.